Saturday, October 1, 2011

How BMW is dealing with an aging workforce

We all know that the world has advanced drastically over the last couple decades, and it has advanced even more in the technological factor. As more and more companies are seeking to become efficient and more productive, more and more jobs are going to robots since they can be programmed a certain way and produce the same product over and over in a fraction of the time. But that is not the case over at BMW, instead they are fearful of losing the craftsmanship and acquired skills of their older employees. Instead of forcing them to quit and bring in a much younger generation of workforce, BMW actually tweaked one of their assembly line to have an average worker age of 47 and then asked them what they would change to make it more comfortable for them. $50,000 and 70 small changes later, the assembly line saw an astonishing improvement in almost every factor.

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