Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cloud storage

Last week we discussed cloud computing and the concerns behind its implementation and possible weaknesses. Now I used to think that all cloud technology posed the same threats however, at the suggestion of a friend, I have been using recently to store files in one central location between all of my computer devices. And I have to say, I love it.

Why is cloud storage better than cloud computing? Because in some cases with cloud computing, if the server is down, my software is useless. But with cloud storage, as provided by Dropbox, the files are stored on a particular folder on my computer and after changes to one or more files in that folder are made, then my computer communicates with the central server to update its copies of those files. Once the server itself is updated, then it updates the folders on my other computer devices. But if the server goes down, I still have my files. This is a great medium through which to transfer raw data and files between devices and it doesn’t make me, the user, feel too worried about the server going down for an afternoon.

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